Thursday, August 30, 2012

Apologizing in advance

Baby girl and I will be taking our first flight by ourselves. We depart at 5:50am, and are heading to Nebraska to visit family, and to meet with some professors at University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

I have a single backpack packed for us, with a smaller "goody" bag inside that I can take out. The smaller bag has snacks, toys and flip books for baby girl.

I'm apologizing in advance, in the case that baby girl decides to share her ear-piercing scream with the plane cabin. We have been very lucky so far. We've flown to Arizona, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Ireland, and all have gone very well, but there is always a first time for a tantrum.

I should be getting some sleep, but instead I'm working on revisions for a manuscript, and responding to a collaborator. And then a shower. Then double-check that I have everything packed. And then a nap before getting up and heading to the airport.


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